- A Strong Place - Necessities - Hopeless Romantics - Precious Things - Mad About it - Sun and Spring - Lei Deg - Slutten - Concrete Island - Good Luck - New Promises - Well Recieved Lies - NN-A NN-A NN-A - Pride - O/Four - Mothers - Turning and Returning -
2010 - 2015 Staatliche Hochschule fur Bildende Kunste Staedelschule, Frankfurt am Main
2009 - 2010 Art studies at Nordland College of Art and Film, Kabelvaag
Solo Shows:
2024 "Morning Please Don't Come", Nissan Sunny, Paris
2024 "A Strong Place", Marais/Moeras, Brussels
2023 "Bliss Point", Tou Scene, Stavanger
2022 "Necessities" Etablissement d'en face, Brussels
2022 "Athena" Breadbox Contemporary, Oslo
2019 "Mad About it", Gether Contemporary, Copenhagen
2018 "Lei Deg", Island 5 / Christian Torp Gallery, Oslo
2017 "No Need for Good Luck", Gether Contemporary, Copenhagen
2017 "New Promises", c-o-m-p-o-s-i-t-e, Brussels
2016 "Well-received Lies", T293, Rome
2015 "This has Nothing to do With This or Same as it Never was", Warm, Sao Paulo
2014 "Pride", Catherine Bastide, Brussels
2014 "Aftershape 2 ", Il Crepaccio, Milan
2014 "Warm Embraces", Tidens Krav, Oslo
2013 "Mothers", T293, Naples
2013 "Isn't", Welcome Screen, London
2013 "Charmless", ReMap 4, Athens, presented by T293
2012 "Turning and Returning", T293, Rome
Group Shows:
2023 Basel Social Club, Basel
2021 "Hopeless Romantics", FUTURA, Prague
2021 "All Good and Precious Things", T293 Gallery, Rome
2021 "On Holiday", duo-exhibtion with Markus Langen, Loevens Hule, Oslo
2020 ”No Day but Today”, Bjurholmsgatan, Stockholm
2019 Nordic Contemporary Art Collection (NoCo), Kristianstads Kunsthall
2019 Art Brussels (With Gether Contemporary)
2019 "d-REAM-ing", PantaleonsMuehlengasse, Cologne
2019 "Spring and Sun in January", Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo
2018 "A Segment", PantaleonsMuehlengasse, Cologne
2018 Nordic Contemporary Art Collection (NoCo), Hameenlinna Art Museum
2018 "Towards a New Nepotism", Galery Italy at Etablissement d'en face
2018 "Det Kollektive Hodet", Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
2017 "Slutten", Kristiansand Kunsthall, Kristiansand
2017 "Concrete Island", Island 4 / Christian Torp Gallery, Oslo
2017 Chart Art Fair (with Gether Contemporary), Copenhagen
2017 "Summer Show" Carl Kostyal, Stockholm
2017 "If you Don't Like Art, Goodbye, Fuck Off, Go Home", Nordic Contemporary Art Collection (NoCo), Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium
2017 "Painting or Not", KaviarFactory, Henningsvær
2016 "Beloved in the Landscape", New Bretagne / Belle Air, Essen
2016 "En kollektiv psykogeografisk guide til Oslo", Tegnebienallen 2016, Oslo
2016 "... ma l'amor mio non muore. Opere della Collezione Alloggia", Casa museo Ivan Bruschi, Arezzo
2016 "T293-in-residence", Via Gabba 1, Milan
2016 "NN-A NN-A NN-A (2)", Stavanger Art Museum
2016 "The World is Made of Stories", Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo
2015 "Parked Like Serious Oysters", Staedelschule Graduation Show, Museum fur Moderne Kunst 3/Zollamt, Frankfurt
2015 "F R I E N D S", Evelyn Yard, London
2015 Frieze New York (with T293)
2015 "Karmic Thermal", Ideal Uh-huh, Berlin
2015 "Outdoor I", Warm Sao Paulo, video screening programme
2015 "NN-A NN-A NN-A", Astrup Fearnley Museum of Modern Art, Oslo
2014 "The Go-Between", Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Naples
2014 "De Generation of Painting", Fondazione 107, Turin
2014 "The Tentant", VI, VII, Oslo
2014 "Nuit Americaine Day-For-Night", Office Baroque, Brussels
2014 NADA New York (with Anat Ebgi)
2014 "Do not Disturb (At the invitation of Elmgreen & Dragset)", Gerhardsen Gerner, Oslo
2014 ”Touched (2)”, apt 302, Marseilles
2013 "Snakes in the Grass", Clarence Mews at 10 Northington Street/Laura Bartlett Project Space, London
2013 "Touched", Art Metropole, Toronto
2013 "Mild Mania", 68 Square Meters Art Space, Copenhagen
2013 "Influence", 1m3, Lausanne
2013 "Merry Company", duo-exhibtion with Buck Ellison, Galerie Wilma Tolksdorf, Frankfurt
2013 "Wassup Painters", Anat Ebgi, Los Angeles
2013 "After School Special: Følsomme Gutter 3", Landmark, Bergen Kunsthall
2012 Art Basel Miami Beach (with D’amelio)
2012 "Pour ce laine" Leonhardi Kulturprojekte e.V., Frankfurt
2012 “Heather”, busysleep.com
2012 FIAC (with T293), Paris
2012 "Idea is the Object", D'Amelio, New York
2011 "Hard Glance //Soft Rock" Kuk & Parfyme zine # 2 Exhibtion, Holodeck, Oslo
2011 "Deep Sea Adventure", Some Apartment , London
2011 "Projectile Weapons" duo-show with Thomas Grødal, NICC project space, Antwerp
”The Pots of Etablissement: DFDS ferry from Copenhagen to Oslo, Best of 2023 mention
”Bulimia”, artist book/catalouge
"Sun and Spring in January" at Astrup Fearnley Museum, Exhibition Catalouge
Cover illustration, "Jonathan og Sailor jr.", Oktober Forlag
Series of works presented in "Tarmac Fanzine"
Text in "Vi ser på Kunst" issue #1, "Henrik Olai Kaarstein on how to make a painting"
"Let's Take a Stand That Stands for a While", selected poems by Henrik Olai Kaarstein, edited by Bonny Poon (upcoming)
"The Go-Between", Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte, Exhition Catalouge
"NA-A NA-A NA-A" at Astrup Fearnley Museum, Exhibiton Catalouge
Short story in "Let's Take a Stand That Stands for a While", in "Tales from the Crypt", Staedelschule Pure Fiction publication
Photoseries in "AAA Magazine" issue #1
Poster in "Trusu Fanzine"
Billedkunst issue 1 2019, "Solen går opp for samtidskunsten - men skyene truer kunstkritikken", by Mina S. Haufmann
Kunstkritikk.no, 13.02.2019, "Let the Games Begin", by Stian Gabrielsen
Morgenbladet 08.02.2019, "De utvalgte få", by Oda Bahr
Dagbladet, 03.02.2019, "Kringsatt av venner", by Arve Rød
Kunstkritikk.no, 30.04.2018 "Luksus med forsoffen undertone", by Simen Joachim Helsvig
Kapital, issue 6 2018, "Norges mest lovende kunsttalenter", by Kari Nestaas
Billedkunst, issue 1 2018, "Uavklart slutt", by Atle Haaland
Wheresart.eu 10.05.16 ”Henrik Olai Kaarstein’s “Well Received Lies” at T293 – interview”, by Fanny Nina Borel
Kunstforum issue #3 2015, Workspace: Pictures from Henrik Olai Kaarstein's Studio at Staedelschule", by Are Blytt
Artandeducation.net, "Yearbook: Stadelschule Rundgang"
Kunstforum.as 13.03.2015, "Abstraksjon med intensjon", by Jeanette Ulrikke Lund
Kunstkritikk.no 13.02.15, "Abstraksjon som bestilt", by Stian Gabrielsen
Dust Magazine Online 07.12.13, by Domenico de Chirico
http://atpdiary.com 03.12.13, "Interview with Henrik Olai Kaarstein", by Matteo Mottin
Artreview.com 16.09.13, "ReMap4", by Kimberly Bradley
Frankfurter Allgeme Zeitung 02.07.13, "Garnelen, Lachs und eine Menge Staub". review of "Merry Company", by Christoph Schutte
New York Times 3.08.12, Roberta Smith Art Review of "Idea is the Object" at D'Amelio Gallery
Flash Art July August September 2012, Inchiesta/the best off...:"Turning and Returning" at T293 recommended by curator Marianna Vecellio
Artforum.com 18.06.12, Critics' Picks, by Pier Paolo Pancotto